The Secret of Wealth

Naturally, man is created to do business. The actual starting point to get at of the pit of poverty is to do business. Business is mostly concerned with the exchange of goods and services weather locally, individually, collectively or internationally. Goods could be exchanged on any levy and at any basis. So, for the fact that many do not do business, they remain poor. One of the greatest American Entrepreneur said that doing business involves sales. Everybody suppose have the capacity to do business. Not an illegal one but a business of integrity. His words “The ability to sell is the number one skill in business: We are all born sales people. If you want to buy, you have to sell something first.”

Doing business is the starting point for financial success. Like he said, if you do not have something to sell, you should not be expecting to buy. Your buying depends on your selling. Your ability to sell is what really put money into your pocket and thereby remove your name from the school of the poor. There are many things to sell so that you could buy what you want in life. When you look around you, all you would ever see is a product sold to you by a person. You too can find something to sell. Find out what really interests you. What you like doing the most.

Your selling ability should not be limited to goods alone it could be services, money flows in the direction of people who have goods to sell as well as services to people who are in the need of it. If your concern is to sell goods, identify what really interests you. Find your market. Your market is not necessarily the common market place but could be a place where your goods and services are of the most demand.
This could be the street, your immediate social environment, your current city and state, you could name it your self.

Remember your ability to sell your service as well as your goods is what put money into your pocket and without this, you cannot buy any thing. If you are enabled to sell then you have the capacity buy. This is an undefeatable principle. Just like the accounting principle of double entry, every credit entry needs a corresponding debit entry. In the same vein, every buying needs a corresponding selling. This is the eleventh commandment! You should be able to identify goods that you can sell or services that you can render that would put money into your purse. This is the basis of business!